Content Specs


Image SPEC

For the website to look clean and professional, we need to have nice high-resolution images to work with. A minimum of 1,200 pixels on the longest side is recommended.

The image should be in clear focus or have artful selective focus. Compression-damaged, low-res, blurry content will be rejected.

Lighting should be from a natural source or professionally lit to accurately represent the item or environment.

Image Content

For dedicated pages for businesses and established studios, we would like a minimum of three shots to work with:

  • One exterior shot of your building or space, so people can recognize it when they come to visit. This is used on the ‘By Address’ page listing.

  • One or more shots of the interior of the space. It should reflect the look and feel of your environment. This will be used on your dedicated page and/or the ‘Explore’ page.

  • One or more detail shots of the thing you have created. This will also be used on your dedicated page and/or the ‘Explore’ page.

For people who are sending a shot of their work for inclusion on the ‘Explore’ page, the shot can reflect whatever you feel best represents what you do. This can be updated as frequently as monthly if you like.

Please be aware that this website renders content dynamically according to the device it is being viewed on. Because of that, images may cropped or not be displayed in the aspect ratio which you have supplied.

The Siren reserves the right to omit submitted images and written content as well as edit, color-correct, crop, and remove undesirable artifacts from digital files before posting. You may request removal of your content at any time, and requests will be processed within 48 hours.

Do not include photos of recognizable people other than yourself to represent your business or commercial interests unless you can provide a signed legal release. The Siren’s perspective is that using people’s likenesses without their explicit permission is risky from an intellectual property perspective and could present unintended safety issues.

Any images submitted for publication are assumed to be your own intellectual property, and by sending them for submission, you agree to hold harmless The Siren, its publisher, staff, and organization members. We are glad to include photo credits.

We appreciate all forms of art and the dialogue that art inspires. While we would never wish to curb your self-expression, we have no age gatekeeping functionality on this website and are dedicated to keeping it positive, inspiring, and safe for people of all ages. Prurient content, highly controversial topics, imagery that glorifies violence, racism, and hate speech of any kind will not be posted by The Siren.

A primary goal of this website is to connect people who are interested in your work to you with as little friction as possible. We wish to provide your ideal contact scenario and set expectations clearly. You are welcome to provide social media account handles (full URLs are best), email, phone, address, and clarify what method of contact you prefer on the submission form.

Please be aware that in exposing your email or phone on a website, it can be seen and gathered by people and bots who scrape websites and sell the data. Spamtastic! When practical, we provide these details as links rather than simple page display which may help reduce risk but probably doesn’t eliminate it completely.

Social AccountS +
Contact Details

The Siren wishes to promote talent and creative efforts in the way that honors and reflects your work. Editing for brevity and a consistent ‘voice’ is often necessary, but you can help us get it right by:

  • submitting copy or descriptions of how you would like your business or work spoken about.

  • giving candid feedback if you feel further clarification or edits are needed.